나의 이야기

GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 1. 25. 09:47

1.Do you think Lincoln's widow knew?
We built a monument to her husband. 기념비
Why is this room so peaceful?
I don't know everytime I walk by this room.
I'm reminded that January 1, in 1863.
An ordinary man signed a document that freed  4 million people from slavery.
So I don't think it so much as peaceful.
As a place of profound legacy. 숭고한 유산
2. You can be my softy zone. Some where I can go when I feel alone.
That's all I need, all I want to stay a little longer arms around me like a boarder.
3.I think I have to get out of my comfort zone.
We went too far out side of our comfort zone.
We never went too far out side of our comfort zone.

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