
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 2. 28. 20:46

1. Dad, these are my friends. 

Guys, my dad. 

No freaking way. 

I can see the resemblance. 

These are your friends. 

Kind of. 

You all came back here to save my son. 

Yes, from you. 

They must be down here. That doesn't sound good. 

We've got to get out of here. 

The commander build some machine to turn us into weird fur nest to go on human head. 

2. Doesn't matter what your friends are telling you.

Doesn't matter what my family's saying to.

It just matters that I'm in love with you.

It only matters that you love me, too. 

It doesn't matter they won't accept you.

I'm accepting of you, and the things you do. Just as long as it's you.

Nobody but you, baby, baby.

3. Don't turn away your close friend. 외면하다, (몸을)돌리다, 쫓아 보내다

I turned away to hide my facial expression. 

We had to turn away many people. 


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