
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 4. 18. 10:30

1. My name is J C.
Mine is Catack, but we can't never be a friend.
Catack, like famous Catack.
He is my grandpa.
We've got a big problem.
Are you out of your mind?
You can't be a friend with Jack Knife's daughter, but that's what I said.
I better follow you to make sure you don't get into trouble.
I don't need anyone alright.
Is that what you think?
Especially, telling me what to do.
2. Thinking about all the things.
The way you pull my strings. 조종하다
I love the way you trun me on. 홀딱 반하게 하다
I ain't Hades, but a king.
I'd do anything. So that I could take you come.
3.Enough with the excuses. 변명은 그만
Enough with the questions.
Enough with that shirt.

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