
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 5. 30. 09:27

1. She lives in Paris because she met a man called Paul, and that's who she is living now.
She comes to see you someimes,  Ann, yes, occasionally she comes for the weekend.
She comes hee, and you go for a walk in the park.
She tells you about her new life. What she's up to? 뭐해, 꿍꿍이가 뭐해
The other day, she brought some coffee cuz you like coffee.
I detest coffee. = hate
I only drink tea.
2. Spend a little time in the middle.
Middle out on the floor.
Never done it like this before.
Girl, why don't we?
Love right now, just a little cuz you deserve so much more.
Never done it like this before, come on.
Girl, why don't we?
3. I'm glad you have a can-do attitude. 의욕적 태도, 긍정적 태도
I'm impressed with your can-do attitude.
I like your can-do attitude.

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