
BBC: Concussion in sport

NJChoi 2024. 8. 22. 15:26

When it comes to sport, there's something for everyone. Do you play a sport, Georgina?

I used to play in a netball team years ago. Now I go jogging and I enjoy swimming too. 

Yes, I go jogging sometimes and I play football, although I'm no Ronaldo!

But some sports, the so- called 'full contact' sports like rugby. American football and boxing are much more dangerous. Now, the truth about the long-term effects on players who make a career taking heavy tackles or punches to the head is being slowly revealed. 

And the issue of safety in sport was back in the news recently when Danish footballer, Christian Erikson, collapsed on the pitch during the 2020 European football championship. 

At the center of the debate are worries about possible brain damage and dementia caused by concussion- that's a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a bump or blow to the head and the topic  of this programme. 

Boxing of course, is one of the most dangerous sports, and so my quiz question is about a famous boxer. Born in 1949, this boxer has remained mentally and physically fit despite years of punishment in the boxing ring. But who am I talking about? Is he:

a) Muhammad Ali    b) George Foreman    or c) Mike Tyson ?

I'm not a big boxing fan, Neil, but I'll say b) George Foreman.

OK, Georgina, we'll find out the answer to that question later in the programme. 

So far, we've been talking about heavy full-contact sports like boxing, but the truth is that any sportsperson can get concussed. 

In 2018, hockey player and Olympic godl medalist, Nicola White was involved in a heavey collision with another player during a warm-up match. 

Here's Nichola telling her story to Paul Connolly, presenter of BBC World Service programme. The Inquiry:

I starte suffering headaches, nausea, light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, my balance was off, I just felt terrible. I always used to describe it like I was in Alice in Wonderland. I just felt in such a warped world, it just felt relentless, and it never stopped. 

Three years on from that moment of impact, Nichle is still picking up the pieces. Despite seeking advice and treatment from specialists in the field of head trauma, many of her symptoms persist. 

After the collision, Nicola's balance was off. When something is off, it's worse than usual. 

And off can also mean 'bad', ans in 'this milk smells awful- it's gone off'

Nicola felt terrible and her world was warped- strange and unpleasant. 

In fact, three years after the accident, she was still picking up the pieces- trying to return to normally after a crisis or collapse. 

Concussioon is a problem in many sports- even those like hockey or athletics that not considered 'full contact'.

But dthe dangers involved with boxing are far greater. In fact, it's one of the few sports that has concussion written into the rules. 

Yes, that's right. When a boxer is knocked down, he has ten seconds to stand up and get his senses together- if he can't, there's a good chance he's concussed. 

Tris Dixon is a former boxer turned sportswriter. Here he is speaking to BBC World Service programme. The Inqjiry, about concussion in boxing. See if you can spot the answer to the quiz question Neil asked earlier:

When you look back through history and you see that dHenry Armstrong, Sugar Ray Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Joe Louis all suffered with neurological problems as they got older... but what we also need to find out is why can you have a fighter like George Foreman, who's now in his seventies, and is as bright as a button after two long hard careers. Why do some people seem to have a reserve that has kept thme safe later in life?

This mentions some famous boxers who suffered neurological problems in later life... and another boxer who's still as bright as a button- an expression used to describe someone who's happy, cheerful, intelligent, and full of energy. 

It seems that some people have a reserve- a supply of energy thy keep stored up for use in the future, when it's needed. 

OK, Georgina, let's get back to my quiz question- I'm pretty sure you know the answer now?

Yes, I think so. Neil asked me which famous boxer, born in 1949, was still mentally alert despite many years of fighting. I guessed it was b) George Foreman. 

Good listening, Georgina.

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