
GMP practice

NJChoi 2022. 10. 5. 16:12

1. You know, I was a waitress for 7 years before I made any real money as an actress.

I think it's the nature of the beast.

That's very reassuring to hear. 안심되다

Are you acting in anything right n

No, I

My husband passed away a few year ago, and so.

I'm just busy taking care of the building for now.

You do an amazing job.

2.How you ever felt it could all go away if you blink?

If you never stop running, you won't fall behind, so you think.

You wonder in your heart, if you're still not who you are.

Who are you?

Nothing's as it seems till it all falls apart. 보이는 것이 다가 아니다

3. He affects me in many ways.

This blender is helpful in many ways.

It's different from the previous one in many ways.



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