My Tarot

5. Angel answers

NJChoi 2022. 10. 24. 10:59

-Meditation brings answers.
Trying to come up with an intellectual answer to your concerns hasn't been successsful.
That's because the solutions you seek can only be found by going within, through meditation or inner spiritual work.
You may also gather insights from your nighttime dreams, as your subconscious creats solutions for you that are not available to your waking mind.
The answer to your question is no. You may gather additional information by asking another question surrounding this issue and drawing another card.
The response to your inquiry is a firm no!  탐구, 질문
You needn't worry, though, as you will see why this was the perfect answer as time goes by.
-No need to worry
Your worries and concerns regarding your questions are unnecessary.
Your angels have the situation well in hand, and everything is going to turn out perfectly!
Obsessing over this subject isn't helpful.
The energy of fear and worry only slows the eventual manifesting of your desires. 명시, 표시
Visualize loving and happy outcomes, and keep your thoughts positive.
Very soon you will wonder why you were worrying about this at all!
-Not the right time
This is not the right time presently for what you're inquiring about.
This answer is not a "no, " just  a " not yet."
Have patience.
Your angels will give you a sign when the timing is perfect.
- Opportunity
Positive growth and expansion is on the horizon for you.
The opportunity may bring with it inspiration and insight, or it could be the chance you've been waiting for a take action on ideas you already have.
You may be seeking to manifest the chance to ceate changes in your career, buy or sell a home, or bring romance into your life.
Whatever your desires, your angels are about to open a door of possibilites for you.
Step right through!
- Peaceful resolution
The challenges you're inquiring  about are going to come to an end.
Conflict will cease and soon be replaced with harmony.
There will be a sense of peace shared by all, even if some only " agree to disagree."
Disagreements will be resolved in your favor.
This includes struggles with employers, legal battles, arbitration, and even strife among family or friends. 중재
Be forgiving and understanding with those who may have been in error.
Allow peace to come, with grace and dignity for everyone.
- Perfect timing
This is the perfect timing for the situation you've asked about.
Move forward with confidence!
Don't delay or hesitate, because an energy gateway is presently open for you.
Conditions are ripe.
Even if you don't feel prepared, rest assured that you are!

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