My Tarot

GMP practice

NJChoi 2022. 10. 26. 16:16

1. I'm really glad you came.

Me too, thank you for having me.

It's nice to see Ben. So happy.

Can I say something to you?

Yes, of course.

I know I shouldn't say anything, but he told me that you seemed confused about what to do when you move to London.

I, just, be sensitive.

Just be careful with him.

Can you do that?

Yes, of course.

Thank you.

2.The end of night, we should say good-bye, but we carry on while everyone's gone.

Never felt like this before.

Are we friends or are we more?

As I'm waking to the door, I'm not sure.

3. I think it's  doable. 할 수 있는

That's not a duable thing.

Don't you think it's doable?



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