
GMP practice

NJChoi 2022. 12. 27. 11:26

1.Why didn't you just move the bed next to the window?

So I could plunge to my death without getting up.던져넣다

I just want to make everything perfect for you.

Your perfect is just fine, but it isn't save me. 

Let's go Teddy.

We don't want to bang anything else. 

I've only got one neck. 

2. All you never know is if you want me. 

If I could look into your mind, maybe then I'd find a sign. 

Over all I want to hear you say to me, to me. 

3. Its brain is big in relation to its body. ~ 관해서, 비해서

I have nothing to say in relation to the issue. 

What are the good points in relation to your job?

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