
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 1. 18. 12:32

1. What happened?

I've had an epiphany. 깨달음, 직관

Now is not the time for epiphany.

Oh, no now is the perfect time because I can finally see what is going on here. 

I'm being set up to fail. 

I'm not in the same class as these people. 

I don't belong here except to entertain you all while I fall face first into the poo.

You spoiled brat. 녀석

Do what you like. 

2. I've been feeling inside out in my feelings. 

Upside down on the ceiling. 

I'm finally breathing. The smoke ain't gone, but it's clearing. 

I ain't there yet, but I'm healing. 

I ain't there yet. 

3. I don't want to miss the spectacular show. 

They created some spectacular moments. 

Did you see the spectacular sunset yesterday? 일몰

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