
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 1. 24. 11:04

1. So Megan's pitting us against each other. 대항하다
We could look at it as a cooperative venture where we challenge each other.
Raise the bar.
Then, you agree.
It's a good idea, I do.
For one of us, anyway.
Well, whatever happens, happens.
In the meantime, we should behave professionally. 행동하다
You deserve the same chance as I do.
That's very noble of you.
2. Oh, I don't mind being alone on a Friday.
Why does nothing ever seem to go my way?
I'm still pacing up and down this hallway. 왔다 갔다 하며 걷는 중
If this night was painting, it'd be monocrome.단색의, 흑백의
3. It was a little tricky. 까다로운
That's a tricky situation.
That was a tricky problem.

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