
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 2. 9. 18:08

1.We saw you racing into the woods. 

So we followed you here. 

Is everything alright?

You really shouldn't be out here on your own. 

Shouldn't you be with Ella. Isn't your circus tonight?

You two have fight. 

If you don't feel like talking, just say yeah. 



I made you talk.

Look, being by yourself isn't going to help. 

How about we going some ice cream?

What about you, Daisy?

You want some ice cream. 

2.It was you who put the clouds around me. 

It was you who made my tears fall down. 

It was you who broke my heart in pieces. 

It was you who made my blue eyes blue. 

I never should have trusted you. 

3. Are you in the mood for a party? ~ 할 기분이 나서

I'm not in the mood for coffe. 

I am in the mood for something fruity. 과일냄새 나는 

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