
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 3. 14. 11:48

1. I looked to Mr. Persive today. 

You should be doing that. 

I didn't see them, none of them. 

I saw the hunters not far from the nest. 

Don't worry, alright. 

Votes next month. 

Bit of luck, we'll get the point turn into a sanctuary. 보호지역으로 바꿔지는

I thought you said you didn't trust people to be smart. 

I changed my mind. 

2.We've been out all night. 

We haven't been home. 

We're walking through the back streets all alone. 

The party was great. 

We're really thrilled. When we get in, we're gonna get killed. 

3. The trees are averaging about 35 meters long. 

The speeches are averaging about 10 minutes. 

International flights are currently averaging $ 700.

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