
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 4. 5. 11:32

1.We're almost there, guys. 

I just keep forgeting the name of this town. 

Burg, sweety.

I hope Christin is able to make new friends in this new town. 

Every time I make new friends. We have to move again. 

So I'm sure I see the point. 

Anyway, detectives don't really need friends. 

We have to focus on our investigation. 

Do you really think there will be anything to investigate in this adorable little town?

2. I've been cruising down this forward for a while now. 

I should telll the  truth.

You've been so good to me. 

But I know, I'm no good for you. 

You should run while you can. 

Find yourself a better man cuz I'm known for brief romance and breaking hearts. 

3. Please, let me make my point. 제 주장하게 해주세요

He did his best to make his point. 

I think you should make your point. 주장을 관철하다 

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