
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 5. 9. 15:23

1. What the heck are you doing?

What am I doing?

I thought you're a burglar. 

You haven't been out of this place for days. 

I thought you  sliped in the shower or something. 

I was worried. Cats were getting at you.

I don't have cats. 

Jesus Christ, you could have killed me with that thing.

Who are you?

Let's have some wine. Come on, let's seat down. 

2. Come to my world where love and your freedom come dance with my rhythm. 

The rhythm of love, come to my world where you can be real and express how you feel. 

Cuz you want to be loved. 

3. It would make head lines. 

The events made head lines. 

He made head lines after sitting front row in pajamas. 유명해지다 

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