
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 5. 25. 10:03

1. I didn't know there's gonna post it.
I promise, you must hate me.
We don't hate you. Actually, we need you.
For what?
We want you to be our choreographer. 안무가
Yeah, that's right.
We're putting our squad back together, and as you may have noticed.
We have a few rough edges, but we've seen you.
We need some of that.
With schoo, cheerleading, I just don't have the time.
2. 10 light years away to save my soul.
10 light years away to chang it all.
Whatever it may take.
I gotta try again. Girl, it's time to start over. 다시 시작하다
10 light years away
3. He is particular about his image. 까다롭다
I am particular about punctuality.시간 엄수
She is particular about what he eats.

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