
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 6. 19. 11:07

1. You squeezed the love out of every tomato as if it was last. 

Nana, what's wrong?

I've been thinking about your nano. 

What was he like?

The biggest lady's man in all of Napoly with charm of 10 Italy men. 

What made him settle down?

I hit him over the head with the piece of produdo. 

Out of love, of course. 

Have you been in love?


2. There is a house in New Orleanse. 

They call the rising sun. It's been the ruin of many poor boies. 

I know I'm one. 

3. I have a stiff neck. 

I have stiff shoulders. 

I have a stiff body.

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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