
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 7. 18. 17:23

1.Why is it always my fault?

Go on, blame Oscar for everything. 

Something's wrong. It's always Oscar who did it. 

Extinct dinosaurs, didn't you know, Oscar did it. 

What about the ice age?

Of course, it was me.

Who else would it have been?

Global warming, that was me, too. 

Come on, blame me, blame everything. It's all my fault except this time, it really is my fault. 

2. No use in sitting around waiting for the world to change. 

Never too late to stand your ground. 

Do what it takes to make them proud. 

Never too late to choose your mind. 

The book has not been written. The page is blank. 

The scene is set. Let's start at the begining. 

3. It's hard to keep up with the trends. 

I'm struggling to keep up with you.

I can't keep up with all the English slangs. 

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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