
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 7. 24. 10:48

1. Hey, Duke, is it true that a footless yellow earthwarm lives here?

Yes, that's right. 

He also goes by a speck frog. Is it really as stupid as they say he is?

Yes, if they are ever an olympics for idiots.

He would be the unrivaled champion. 

You think that's funny. 

Hello, there, it's time. 

You go head. I'll catch up with you soon. 

Now watch me closely. 

Listen to me very carefully. 

From now on, I'm your master. 

You'll obey me. Do exactly as I tell you, one, two, three...

2. Sunrise doesn't last all morning. 

A cloudbust doesn't last all day. 

Seems my love is up and has left you with no warning. 

It's not always gonna be this grey.

3. I was out like a light. 바로 잠이 들다

You were out like a light. 

I was so exhausted that I was out like a light. 

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