
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 11. 16. 14:14

1. Best I could tell, I was born somewhere in Michigan maybe.
But the family I was with.
One day they flew to Ditroit for wedding.
I bounced around Michigan for a while.
You couldn't get back to Arizona.
No, like I told you, I can't choose who I wake up in.
But I meant what was like for you.
I didn't figure out. I was different from other people until I was 6 or so.
What tiffed me off was the way people talk about tomorrow? 제보하다
2. Over and over, I look in your eyes. You're all I desire. You have captured me.
I want to hold you. I want to be close to you.
I never want to let go. I wish that this night will never end. I need to know.
3. She lives vicariously through the videos.
Stop living vicariously through everyone else's meal.
They live vicariously through their avatars. ~ 통해 대리 만족하다

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