
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 11. 17. 11:58

1. All those years, doing something that wasn't me. 

Took its tool. 


So why faces?

I suppose it's like write what you know paint what you see. 

In my mind's eye, this is what I see. 

Some face, I see someoone I don't know. 

There just there. 

I wanna give them the space to live, be. 

I could use a fresh face. 

Wanna sit for me. 


2. Could I hold you for a lifetime?

Could I look into your eyes?

Could I have this night to share together?

Could I hold you beside me?

Could I hold you all time?

Could I have this kiss forever?

Could I have this kiss forever?

3. I feel secure. 

The building is secured. 

The place looks secured to me. 

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