
GMP Practice

NJChoi 2023. 11. 28. 11:53

1. What is this, the last supper?

More like a first date. Turns out, he is really a great cook. 

He is a really great guy. 

Ok, I know so are you?

I mean really great. I've never had your cooking. So I can't speak to that. 

L, he's got a family that loves him. 

And that he loves. 

It's everhthing I've ever wanted. 

It's been nice, but it's not mine. 

2. Then, you're left in the dust unless you stick by ya.

You're a sunflower. 

I think your love would be too much, or you'll be left in the dust. 

Unless I stick by ya. 

You're the sunflower. You're the sunflower. 

3. The message takes me back to 3 years ago. 생각나게 하다

It takes me back to when I was playing the piano. 

It takes me back to when I was 14.

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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