
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 11. 29. 11:28

1. I've been thinking about this over and over and over.
I'm always going to be blocking you from being with someone who's perfect  for you.
How could you say that?
Because Alexander is perfect for you.
He is your type.
You're my type.
Do you think I wanna live without you?
Do you think I'll be happy in a place without you?
Blue skies lights up the morning. It's the morning.
I can't get through to you.
I wish that the floor would come to life, and tell the story.
Cause no one knows I miss my move.
How am I supposed to move on if you don't ever know what's really wrong?
3. Did you look into it?
They looked into the matter.
They will look into it. 조사하다, 알아보다

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