
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 12. 5. 16:27

1. Wondered why you're so willing to come away when you could've been with your kids. 

기꺼이 떠나다

Cauze you don't get to see them very much, do you?

That's why I'm quiet great that pathology hasn't been picked up for 3rd series. 

Plus, I'm just tired of LA really.

So your hiatus has been indefintly extended. 공백기

Through the summer to the autumm, but hopefully not as far as winter.

2. Did you know why you're around?

My heart won't, it can't slow down. 

It beats so hard. It makes it hard to catch my breath, to catch my breath. 

3. It was supposed to be funny.

You're supposed to be here. 

She wasn't supposed to tell anyone. 


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