나의 이야기

GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 11. 30. 16:49

1. Think about what happens if you and I stay together. 

Truely, imagine it. 

What does that look like in a year, in 10 years?

What will happen to your life if I'm the person in the world that you're closest to. 

How alone will it make you if the one that loves me and the one with me. 

You can't tell anyone about me. 

How much is that gonna cut you off your from your family?

2. Let me know if there's something that I can do to fix it. 

Let me know if you ever change your mind. 

I can't promise you that I'll be waiting. 

But for you, I'll leaave anything behind. 

3. I made myself presentable. 받아 들어질만 하게 자신을 가다듬다

You should make yourself presentable to make a good impression.

We have 3 minutes to make ourselves presentable. 

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