
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 12. 20. 11:44

1. Let's the expectant mother set us off. 출발하다. 시작하다
Ok, here we go.
So she plunges the knife into the Johdori. 꽂다, 생선
Outch says the fish.
We're way,  "fantastic"
Mary Sally is I think the most interesting of all of them.
I agree.
I absolutely loved Frankenstain.
She was more successful than her husband.
Sje was way more successful.
Probably, why Sally had so many affairs, so many women?
He was just jealus about her.
2. I know why I've waited.
I know why I've been blue.
I pray each night for someone.
Exactly like you, why should we spend money on a show or to?
No one plays those love scenes exactly like you.
3.You made an extra effort.
They've obviously made an extra effort.
I've made an extra effort to see better result.

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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