
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 12. 21. 13:11

1. Talk about Frankenstein. 

Of course, bringing to my mind my dear friend KB and his production with R D.

I got a volt in my neck. 

I can't get it out. 

I think you're bursting. 

Robert, here, trying to divert you from the fact that he can't do R D.

Because he doesn't know  how to speak through the nose like that. 

2. You make me feel so grand.

I wanna give the world to you.

You make me understand every foolish little dream I'm dreaming, every skim I'm skiming. 계획함, 책략

I know why my mother tell me to be true. 

She meant me for someone exactly like you.

3. I'm determined to stick it out. 

We have to stick it out anyhow. 

I'm not sure that they would stick it out. 버텨내다 

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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