
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 1. 2. 19:45

1. Thank God, I was with him.

Why, thank God?

Do you know what I think of history?

Of history

I've read a great deal more than people realize. The more people read, the more I wonder.

When something is written down, does that make true?

It's all that we have. 


We have television now. Now at least people can see their own eyes. 

2. I know you like me. 

It's kindda frighten me, standing here waiting, waiting. 

I became hypnotized by frackles and bright eyes, tongue tied. 

But now you're so far away, and I'm down. 

Feeling like a face in a crowd. I'm reaching for you, teffified. 

3. Let's plan out kthe event. 

I think you should plan out itinerary. 여행 일정표

Plan aout how you'll spend your budget. 

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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