
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 1. 4. 11:59

1. I used to be a reporter myself once. I know what you're looking for.
I'm sorry.
A moment by moment account.
It's what you came here.
You want me to describe the sound of bullet made when it collided with husband's scar.
2. Cause you could be the one that I love.
I could be the one that you dream of.
A message in a bottle is all I can do.
Standing here, hoping it gets to you. 도착하다
You could be the one that I keep.
I could be the reason that you can't sleep.
A message in a bottle.
Standing here, hoping it gets to you.
3. I came here through word of mouth. 입소문
The news spread by word of mouth.
The rumor spread by word of moth.

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