
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 1. 11. 11:07

1. How would you write that?
She lights yet another cigarette, and explains through her soft sobs. 흐느끼다
That Jack wasn't perfect, but he was perfect for our country.
I asked about his flaws.
She explains perfect people can't change. Jack was always gettig better, stronger.
Sometimes, he would walk into a desert alone.
Just let himself be tempted by the devil. 유혹하다
2. Oh, after the love is gone, how could you lead me on/
Not let me stay around.
After the love is gone, what used to be right is wrong.
Can love that's lost be found?
3. It's smooth sailing. 순조로운 상황
Everything is smooth sailing.
Everything will be smooth sailing.

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