
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 1. 16. 19:54

1. When the men see me now, what I'you think they feel?

Sadness, compassion, desire, maybe. 연민, 욕망

You're still a young woman, Mrs. Kennedy. 

I used to make them smile. 

Noone understands pain he was in, and how loyal he was.

Just some of his friends were crude. 저급한

Jack wasn't, of course, he could get caught up in it. 

3. I told you to be patient. 

I told you to be fine. I told you to be balanced. 

I told yout to be kind. 

In the morning, I'll be with you, but it will be a different kind cuz I'll be holding all the  tickets. 고지서

You'll be owning all the fines. 벌금들

3. They often park without consideration. 

I ate the rotten tangerin without consideration. 

People believed the rumors without any consideration. 고려없이, 배려없이 

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