
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 1. 17. 19:57

1. I used to worry that you might be jealous. 

Oh, stop it. 

No, you never did anything you make me that way.

But I worried after I marry Jack, after he won the election. 

Now that seems ridiculous, anyone being jealous of me. 

I buried two children. Now buried my husband. 

You know I was jealous of that dress you wore in Viena. 

I know that it's hard to see it right now, but you have your whole life ahead of it. 

2. I know I misbehaved and you made your mistakes. 

We both still got room left grow. 

And though love sometimes hurts. I still put you first. 

We'll make this thing work, but I think we should take it slow. 

3. We'll get ever closer to top spot.

We're getting ever closer to each other. 

They're getting ever closer to their fans. 

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