
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 1. 23. 16:01

1. I lie awake at night. All I can think is I should have been a shopgirl or stenographer. 속기사

I should have married an ordinary lazy ugly man. 

Let me share with you a fable. 우화

Jesus once passed a blind begger on the road, and his disciples asked. 

Who sin?

This man or his parents that he should be blind?

Jesus said, neither this man nor his parents sin. 

2.Tell me more, tell me more. 

Tell me something I don't know. 

Could we come closer to hang at all?

If you're gonna waste my time, let's waste it right. 

3. I have a packed schedule. 

We've got a packed schedule. 

I have a packed schedule next month.

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