
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 1. 24. 16:44

1. I'm not going to march tomorrow. 

I won't put people in danger. 

I was scared for you. I still am. I never thought it was on account of vanity. 허영심 때문에

That's what Jack called all this. 

When he saw what we were spending, he said, your little vanity project is going to bankrupt the federal government. 

People need their history. Give them strength. They need to know the real man actually lived here. 

2. You can be my guiding life. Keep me company in the night. 

That's all I need, all I want is for you to stay a little longer with arms around me like a border. 울타리

3. We have been through highs and lows. 

The economy's been through highs and lows. 

Sometimes, people go through highs and lows. 

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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