
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 1. 31. 14:10

1. You know, every night before bed, we had all this Victrola. 축음기

We'd listen to a couple of records. 

His favorite was Camerot. 

The musical. 

I'm so ashamed of myself. Every quote out of Jack's mouth with either Greek or Rome, and that last song, that last side of Camerot. 

It's all that keeps running through my mind. 

Don't let it be forget, and that one brief shinning moment of Camerot. 

Jack loved history. It's what made him what he was. 

2. Is everything just right?

Don't want you think I'm in a hurry.

I won't stay afraid. I had this vision that it's got me worried. 

3. Can you be relatable? 공감하다, 연관 지을 수 있는

The story is relatable to me. 

If you want better relationships, you have to be relatable. 

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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