
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 2. 5. 17:09

1. So this is how you tracked us down. 우리를 추적하다

Oh, Fredy, you, imbecile. 멍청이

If that falls in wrong hands,

Easy he's just young and eager. 

Young and recklesss. 무모해

The boy needs discipline.

No time for that. 

We've got another rescure. 

Can't take you home.

You'll have to come. 

Awesome, so cool.  No meddling. 끼어 들지 마

2. Lights go down, and the night is calling to me. 

I hear voices and singing songs in the street. 

I know that we won't be going home so long. 

3. Let's go over it again. 

I need to go over my work. 

You should go over your shedule. 


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