
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 2. 6. 16:26

1. Dad, why are we hiding fromm some ice cream guy?

Humans don't get us. 이해하다

What they don't understand, they destroy. 

It's better if we stay hidden. 

They don't scare me. I'm gonna make you so proud, dad. 

Someday, I'm gonna be the bigger wolf you ever saw. 

That's great, Fredy. That's great, Fredy. 

2. I love this feeling, and right now.

I wish you were here with me cuz right now, everything is new to me. 

You know I can't fight this feeling, and every night I feel it. 

Right now, I wish you were here with me. 

3. He turned down my invitation.

I'm sorry, but I have to turn down your proposal. 

Please, turn down the volume. 거절하다, 줄이다 

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