
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 2. 20. 16:37

1. Tiny, I'll end you.

I was the biggest in my litters. =troash, baby puppy

Easy lass. 소녀

Look into my eyse.

Look at me. Look, that's better.

Remember, our anger management, mentra, say it. 

I am a golden lay of sunshine, and perfect in every way.

I warm the daisys. You know that little makes no sense. 

2. I wanna blow your mind. Just come with me, I swear. 

I'm gonna take you somewhere warm. 

You know, cuz when the morning comes. I know you won't be there. 

Every time I turn around you disappear.

3. Can you point out where we are now?

The boy pointed out something over there. 

She pointed out all the little things. 

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