
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 2. 21. 21:01
  1. It's a pity to lose it.
    One of our more unique looking specimens.
    You go on. I just need a moment. You had a moon stone, yes.
    Where is it?
    I won't believe how we got it. You've done well, boy.
    It wasn't just me. It was Betty.
    Wait, I can't leave my friend, Betty.
    Don't worry, you won't.
    In fact, you can stay here with her for good. = forever
  2. Say hello to the girl that I am.
    You're gonna have to see through my perspective. 관점
    I need to make my mistakes just to learn who I am, and I don't wanna be so protected.
  3. We like to hang out at the coffee shop. 어울리다
    Where do you want to hang out?
    The children like to hang out at the play place.

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