
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 3. 26. 15:54

1. Why did you enter this competition?

I like to sing. 

Yes, a lot of people like to sing. 

You can sing, but the reality is you're an inexperienced performer with a Polish name and a posh accent. 

Entering a compition that realizes on a public vote. 

Now let's imagine, just hopothetically, you pull out for win, then what the best case cinario of outcome?

I get a record deal. 

2. Why, why do I come here?

Seeking out the memories I hold, dear, cuz you put your spell on me. 

Make me leave in memory. 

I'm frozen in just a wrong time. 

3. It's right over there. 

The boss is sitting right over there. 

The fitting room is right over there. 바로 앞에

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