
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 3. 27. 20:08

1. Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, welcome to the UK teen spirit finals, streaming for the first time to over a 100 countries worldwide. 

Pretty good. 

Can somebody turn off the volme?

They've been through the most rigid selection process, and it's up to you. 엄격한

The audience to decide teen faith, so without further a do, let's welcome to the stage last year's winner, Kian Spirit, and over Teen Spririt finalists. 

2. Look up at that Everest.

Look down in the Mariana trench. 해구

Look now crumbling 405 when  the big one hits. 

Look out for the plain clothes, look out for what the wire tap knows. 사복경찰, 도청장치

Look out on the ever widening money trail where it goes. 확장된 자금 루트

3, Please, don't hang up on me. 전화 끊다

I'll hang up, and call you right back. 

I'll hang up the laundry.

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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