
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 4. 1. 16:51

1. First one to the tower wins. 

I'm gonna win. I'm the fastest. 

We'll see about this. The last one is old snail. 

That was old trail slimy. 슬라임

Swim, look. Don't just let the current push you. 물살에 밀려나지 마라

You just watch where you're going. 

Wait for me. 

You just have to swim fast. 

I'm going to catch you. Just give up, you don't stand a chance. 가망이 없어

2. If there is pavement, you ain't put your shoes on, if there's a dance floor, you ain't moving on yet. 

If you're feeling too safe here beside me, you wanna do something you might regret.

Try to whole world on if you feel to need, then, come back to me. 

3. It was a good for a beginner. 

It was not bad for a beginner. 

Isn't it too fast for a beginner?

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