
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 4. 4. 17:00

1. Oh, thank you. 

If it wasn't for you, I can't imagine what would happen. \

Thank you.

You gave us quite scare. 

If you need help, don't give the second thought. Just give me a shot. 

What a bravery. 

A lot of courage.

I would have saved Estell, too. 

I know you're so much like your grandpa. 

2. Ain't gotta care in the world, but that plenty of beer. 

Ain't got no money in my pocket, but I'm already here. Now, the dudes are lining up cuz they're here we got swagger. 멋진

But we kick them to the curve unless they look like Mick Jagger. 

3. I'm starting to wonder if he likes me. 

I'm starting to wonder how much you care for m. 

I'm starting to wonder why I bought it. 

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