
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 4. 8. 16:43

1. Have I ever told you the story about your grandpa?


Yeah, but that's ok. 

I love hearing stories about him. 

I know this one by heart. 외운

I heard that one over a thousand times.

No one knows this one is exactly true. 

Do you believe any of it?

Forget about them. 

I haven't heard a thousand times. 

You can tell me the story again if you like . 

2. I used to wanna be living like there's only me. 

But now, I spent my time thinking to get you off my mind. 

I used to be so tough. 

Never really gave enough, and then you caught my eye. 

Giving me the feeling of lightening strike. 

3. She replied tactfully. 요령있게

You got it done tactfully.

He refused the proposal tactfully.

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