
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 4. 10. 16:38

1. He discovered his weakness and that's the reason he survived. 

He discovered that Jack Knife was sensitive to certain high pitched sounds. 

But he defeated Jack Knife, but when he got here, he was in rough shape. 

I was one who took care of him. 

He spent the whole summer with me, and beautiful summer, the most incredible summer in my life. 

I remember every moment. Eventually his wounds healed. 

2. Now, excuse me, if I sound rude, but I love the way you move. 

I see me all over you now.

Baby, when I look in your eyes, there's no way that I can disguise. 변장하다

All these crazy thoughts in my mind, there's something about you.

3. There must be a way.

There must be another way. 

There must be a reason. 

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