
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 5. 6. 16:06

1. What, you in Paris. 

You're not gonna do that, Ann.

I mean, wake up. They don't even speak English. 

So, if I understand correctly, you're leaving me. 

Is that it?

You're abandoning me. 

Dad, what's gonna become of me?

Obviously, this is very important to me. 

Otherwise, I would be going. I really love him. 

I can come back, and see you often on the weekends. 

2. Just a little bit of your heart. 

I don't even ask you where you've been.

I don't feel the need to know who you're with. 

I can't even think straight. But I can tell you were just with her. 

I'll still be a fool. I'm a fool for you. 

3. You have a way with children. 

He has a way with animals. 

You seem to have a way with words. 잘 다루다, 말재주 

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