
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 4. 30. 16:26

1. It's my fault. She's all alone. 

I know it's sad for you, friend. 

Thanks to you, the belugas are now from a fierce and cruel predator. 

I didn't know that I have a courageous grandson.

Jack Knife is gone. Your friendship with Jack Knife for me is sign for hope. 

You should go and see her. 

Are you ok?

I just feel so bad. I didn't think I need him, but now that he is not here. 

I understand you miss him. 

Very much. 

Thanks for saving my life. 

I think I'll stay here for a little while.

I'll see you again. 

Maybe, for sure, we'll be friends for life. 

2. I couldn't ask for more. 

Then, this time together. 

I couldn't ask for more than with you.

Every prayer has been answered. 

Every dream I have come true. 

Right here in this moment, it's there I'm meant to be. 

Here with you. Here with me. 

3. They indulged in sports. They indulged in outdoor activities. 

I want to indulge in a holiday next month. 

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