
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 4. 29. 14:33

1. She said she's still loved you.
You traveled all this way to  tell me that.
No, I came here to get you.
She's going to leave us soon. I'd like for her to be happy.
You're just like me, you know.
I was also late turning white.
Did it bother you?
A bit, and you?
A bit
Your color isn't what 's important.
What counts is what you have in here.
2. Lying here with you. Listening to the rain.
Smiling just to see the smile on your face.
These are the moments I'll remember all my life.
I found all I wait it for, and I couldn't ask for more.
3. I'm swamped right now. =busy
I'm swamped with work. 늪지, 습지
I'm swamped with much work for the seminar.

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