
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 4. 24. 16:07

1. My mom's gonna be worried. 

That's for sure. 

I hope she doesn't leave us before I get back. 

We're almost there. 

Are you missing anyone?

I have no family. 

Do you have any friends?

Friends who just laugh at my nose 

 I don't need those. You're right. No one needs friends like that. 

The problem with your big nose, Sirano, is that it hides all your great quality. 

2. It's not your situation. 

I just need contemplation over you. 사색

I'm not so systometic. It's just that I'm addicted for you. 

3. She is devoted and caring. 

You are devoted to your family.

She is a devoted wife. 

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