
GMP practice

NJChoi 2024. 4. 25. 13:13

1. You little guy, took us on quite the journey.

Catack, what were you tinking?

I'm sorry. 

Cramp up. 입 다물어

Listeten, we need to make a little less noise. 

Jack Knife has attacked Catack a couple of time. 


Jack Knife, the killer whale, and up till now, we've always manage to get away from him. 

You liten to too many of your grandma stories. 

How was grandma doing?

We don't know. Bostin, maybe, it was Jack Knife that we saw before. 

2. Just how long I've known. 


It's wrong for me to own you. 

Lock and key. 

It's really not confusing. 

I'm just young and confusion. 

Can't you see?

3. I'm out of shape now. 체력이 떨어진

The tumber is out of shape. 형체가 망가진

Are you getting out of shape? 

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